The Saucers That Time Forgot

The companion blog to BBL is The Saucers That Time Forgot, where the focus is strictly on historical matters, "Flying Saucer tales that UFO history has overlooked or would rather forget." Besides lost saucers, we look at topics like the underappreciated influence of seminal events, hoaxes, and the people behind the stories. 

Most often the stories are prompted by original newspaper coverage of the events, and other primary sources. For STTF, Curt Collins relies heavily on Claude Falkstrom who has a knack for unearthing news stories from local papers that provide details the national wire services often missed. There's also an occasional look at the early flying saucer researchers and authors, "The Ufologists That Time Forgot" as well.

Join us in exploring the UFO stories that shaped the legends, from the famous to the forsaken...

1 comment:

  1. You want to know about the Mutiny on the Garbage scowl Ridgeline. And how 2 very greedy crap eaters Damaged me so badly that I was pronoust dead and jettisoned into deep space with the garbage. And after my arrival and Victory ANGELS xs. GIANTS ILANI VICTORY 2nd Pearl Harboring,,,No no story here
