He filed his FOIA May 13, and there's a record of it online. Shepherd Johnson's request for this is on the NPS FOIA log on page 47. There's no listing for another such request.
As a result of this FOIA, a 186 page document was released, which details the discovery of the mummified child, it's display and the transfer between different museums. Oh yes, there are a few photographs.
With the information Shepherd Johnson's FOIA request produced, José Antonio Caravaca composed this finale to the Slides saga.
(original article in Spanish) by José Antonio Caravaca
(original article in Spanish) by José Antonio Caravaca
Following the publication of a new picture of the Mesa Verde mummy, obtained by the Mexican Forensic Jorge Peredo, the events surrounding Roswell slides have rushed towards a final clarification. If the evidence presented by Peredo no longer represented, in itself, a strong and convincing evidence that the body of the slide was not an alien being, but the mummy of an Indian Child, researcher Shepherd Johnson has found a US "National Park Service" document that confirms beyond reasonable doubt the thesis of the mummy.
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Discovered by Jorge Peredo image in Picasa web album. |
The file, 186 pages, collected in great detail the excavations and studies Montezuma Castle (New Mexico) and the discovery of the mummy of a child (73, 6 cm). A photograph in black and white appears, unfortunately famous mummy, which was taken in 1939 during archaeological surveys (p. 176) in the same document. The body was discovered in 1896 in the castle ruins by Mr. SL Palmer, as it appeared on the plate slides read by our international research group Roswell Slides Research Group (RSRG). Just a note discovered in the wake of our sensational find, and originally published in "MESA VERDE NOTES" in September 1938 (Volume VIII, Number 1) was collected as the son of the discoverer of the mummy returned the body to the US government: "A splendid mummy was received by the Museum Park recently when Mr. SL Palmer Jr. of San Francisco returned one his father had taken out of the ruins in 1894. The mummy is that of a child of two years and is in a excellent condition. At the time of burial of the body was dressed in a cotton shirt over three small cotton blankets. These fragments are still on the mummy "...
Interior Department document of the United States that collects all the information about the mummy found in Montezuma Castle. |
Detail of the mummy |
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Body image of the "Roswell slides" |
Place of discovery of the mummy in 1896. |
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Burial detail with mummy. |
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The image contained in the documents Shepherd requested clearly shows that all the fantastic claims of those involved in the investigation of so-called "Roswell Slides," which aimed to provide final evidence of the Roswell UFO crash, showing this body as if one of the alien pilots secretly recovered by the US military, has been plagued by mistakes, follies and misunderstandings large and of a deep caliber. From the beginning the investigation undertaken by Tom Carey, Don Schmitt, Anthony Bragalia and finally, Jaime Maussan, have proven ineffective and clearly evidence of a vast and almost endless incompetence worthy of study ...
Rest in peace ...
Special thanks to all my friends and colleagues at Roswell Slides Research Group:
Curt Collins (USA), Gilles Fernandez (France), Nab Lator (France), Isaac Koi (Great Britain), Roger Glassel (Sweden), Paul Kimball (Canada) Tim Printy (USA), Tim Hebert (USA), Lance Moody (USA), S. Miles Lewis (USA), Jeff Ritzmann (USA) and Chris Rutkowski (Canada). We have also enlisted the help of other scholars as Aaron J, Gulyas, Irna France, Fin Handley and Alejandro Espino. Including the collaboration of the researcher Nick Redfern.
Curt Collins (USA), Gilles Fernandez (France), Nab Lator (France), Isaac Koi (Great Britain), Roger Glassel (Sweden), Paul Kimball (Canada) Tim Printy (USA), Tim Hebert (USA), Lance Moody (USA), S. Miles Lewis (USA), Jeff Ritzmann (USA) and Chris Rutkowski (Canada). We have also enlisted the help of other scholars as Aaron J, Gulyas, Irna France, Fin Handley and Alejandro Espino. Including the collaboration of the researcher Nick Redfern.
Prohibited total or partial reproduction of the material contained in this blog without permission of the author. Owned by Jose Antonio Caravaca.
One of the Roswell Slides story’s key “data points” had been the Rays’ friendship with the Eisenhowers. Supposedly, Hilda Blair Ray was good friends with Mamie Eisenhower, the wife of General Dwight D. Eisenhower (who became elected President of the USA in 1953). In the narrative of the Slides, that alleged friendship somehow allowed the Rays access to a secret restricted facility where the US Government was storing the remains of a crash victim from the 1947 UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico. Among the Ray's slide collection there were pictures of celebrities, and there were two of General Eisenhower from a WW II victory celebration train tour stop in Kansas in 1946. There were no photos in the Rays' collection picturing them with the Eisenhowers.
Shepherd Johnson sent an inquiry to the Eisenhower Presidential Library asking, "The individual who now owns the slides is claiming that the people who took the slides were Bernard and Hilda Ray of Midland, Texas and that the Rays were friends of President Eisenhower. Have you ever come across the names Bernard and Hilda Ray in any of President Eisenhower's archival material?"
The response from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library in full:
The Eisenhower Connection
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Slide of General Dwight D. Eisenhower |
Shepherd Johnson sent an inquiry to the Eisenhower Presidential Library asking, "The individual who now owns the slides is claiming that the people who took the slides were Bernard and Hilda Ray of Midland, Texas and that the Rays were friends of President Eisenhower. Have you ever come across the names Bernard and Hilda Ray in any of President Eisenhower's archival material?"
On May 20, 2015, he received a reply from the Eisenhower Presidential Library stating, “We have not found any mention of the Rays in either the papers of Dwight or Mamie Eisenhower. It is does not appear that the couples knew each other.” Once again, the promoters of the Roswell Slides had it all wrong.
The response from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library in full:
"Dear Mr. Johnson,
Thank you for your inquiry as to whether the Eisenhowers were friends with Bernard and Hilda Ray of Midland, Texas. We have not found any mention of the Rays in either the papers of Dwight or Mamie Eisenhower. It is does not appear that the couples knew each other.
Dwight Eisenhower did have a friend named John A. McDermott, who lived in Midland, Texas and was in the oil business. We do not know of any evidence that Eisenhower ever visited Midland. However, it is not necessarily possible to rule out a train stop. Also, we do not have much information about the Eisenhower's day-by-day activities prior to the early 1950s.
As for the photograph, our Audio/Visual archivist says it is likely a post-war one, perhaps a homecoming welcome photograph of some sort. She can not identify the location and circumstances as it is not from our photograph collection. The man and woman standing with the General and Mamie are his brother, Milton, and his wife, Helen.
Again, thank you for contacting us and if we can be of any further assistance please contact me again.
Kevin Bailey
Reference Archivist
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library
Abilene, Kansas"
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