ET Goes Home: A Farewell to Banjo

Disclaimer: From time to time, this site will host stories that could not be presented anywhere else.
This is featured for your information only, and has not been investigated by the BBL staff. 

My name is not important, but I want to tell you about the story of a visitor, a guest that became so much more.

 We called him Banjo. We never knew his real name or even exactly where he came from or how he got here, but he became a part of our family. We took him in and gave him a safe place to stay.

Banjo may have understood our language, but we could not understand his, and we mostly used expressions and gestures to communicate. Banjo enjoyed doing things with us, and often joined us on our star gazing, perhaps dreaming of his home. 

We knew he couldn't stay with us forever, but could not imagine the way he'd leave. He stayed alone in our at home while we were at work and school, but one dark day, we came home to find he didn't greet us at the door.

He looked peaceful, just as always.

We took him to a friend we could trust, someone with medical experience. There were no signs of trauma, and he concluded that it was a natural passing. He wanted to conduct an internal examination, but we strongly objected.

We decided to cremate Banjo. We made the preparations and said our final goodbyes.
It was hard for all of us. There's just so much we just don't understand.

The end... 

 We hope to arrange for his urn to carried into space. Farewell, Banjo.