Some images and articles in the memory of
Saucer Smear's Supreme Commander
Panama City NewsTuesday, May 11, 1954, Panama City, Florida
ProspectorFriday, March 31, 1967, El Paso, Texas
Jim and Gray Barker's "Lost Creek Saucer",
a film Jim used in his lectures.
Mt Vernon Register NewsTuesday, April 11, 1967, Mt Vernon, Illinois
On the Joe Pyne Show circa 1967
SHOW HT #37 - JAMES MOSELEY is the Editor and Publisher of Saucer News who discuses “The Moth Man,” a strange creature that inhabits the wilds of West Virginia. He also discusses “the legitimate side of the UFO.”
Review of one of Jim Mosley's college lectures
2002 NUFOC Conference
Jim begins at 31:40
Thanks so much for posting these!