Vickie Landrum, 1985 AP photo |
Wendy Connors 16 Feb 2005 07 Subject: Big Doings On SDI Saturday Night
"Big doings on Strange Days... Indeed - this week. Errol and I will be presenting new audio clips of importance to the field of Ufology....
Later, we'll play Vickie Landrum's first call for assistance to Bob Gribble at NUFORC, about a month after she and Betty Cash became ill from the effects of a UFO they encountered near Dayton, TX. This is the first time this recording has been publicly aired and is unknown to the vast majority of researchers."
The Cash-Landrum portion begins at about 1:20.50:
"Yes sir, this is Vickie Landrum from Dayton, Texas..."
"Yes sir, this is Vickie Landrum from Dayton, Texas..."
Vickie Landrum's UFO report to NUFORC, Feb. 2, 1981
(Opens link to audio in new window)
Transcript of Vickie Landrum’s call to Robert Gribble at NUFORC Feb. 2, 1981
Please also see
Vickie Landrum's Phone Call to Report a UFO Encounter
for more details on this call and a video slideshow of Vickie's call.
(Opens link to audio in new window)
The NUFORC recording in a video slideshow on YouTube
as presented by Wendy Connors on the program “Strange Days Indeed” program # 439 Feb. 19, 2005. (Edited only to remove contact info.)
“RG” indicates Robert Gribble of the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle Washington.
(Note- Betty Cash was treated in Parkway Hospital, not Parkview)
Yes sir, this is Vickie Landrum from Dayton, Texas.
RG: Yes.
Uh, a deal came down and it was like fire was coming from it
RG: Uh huh.
It got ahead of us and we had to stop, and we got out of the car,
which I didn’t stay out but just a minute ‘cause I had my
little grandson with me, which I got custody of and I got back in the car.
There was nothing happened to me but my but eyes is burned.
But, but Betty Cash that was with me that night,
knots started coming and she had a real terrible headache.
and so she’s been in Parkview Hospital over two weeks,
I got her out she stayed two weeks and I had to put her back.
And all of her hair has come out.
They can’t find out exactly what is wrong with her, they keep saying
it could be this, or it’s a possibility of that.
But, instead of her getting better, she’s getting worse,
and could it have had anything to do with that thing that we stood and watched,
‘cause we were close enough to it that we felt a fire from it.
RG: How close do you feel you were to that?
Uh, I’d be safe to say it wasn’t more than maybe a block and a half from it.
It lit up the whole element, and I thought that the World was coming to the end, I really did.
I told my grandson not to be afraid, that if he saw something come out
of it, that it would be Jesus.
I thought that way I could explain to him to keep him from going into [unclear]
(a little failure? heart failure? or possibly hysteria?)
RG: Was this a fairly large object?
Yes sir!
RG: Would it be larger than your car?
Yes sir!
RG: and did it land on the ground?
No sir. It come down almost to the treetops, and then it went back up and went to the right of us.
And we counted 23 helicopters. It might have been more.
Come in on 1960 over here...
RG: Uh-huh
We counted those helicopters up there, so there has to be somebody that knew about it.
It was because from that, I don’t want her to die, I want her to get better.
RG: What roadway were you on at the time?
We was on the cut-off road, something called New Caney and Huffman road.
My name’s Vickie Landrum and her name is Betty Cash and she’s in Parkview hospital. Now, one of the doctors believes that we might have got some
radiation, but he is not positive.
He taken her blood and it didn’t show up in any of her blood but, in less than two weeks time she has lost all her hair- except down there at the bottom. And she has- she had hair that you wouldn’t believe.
And I mean this is not a hoax- I’m not calling you for a hoax.
Call the Parkview Hospital and verify what I’m telling you.
I’m not putting you on. I wish somebody would go to the hospital- and see that lady.
RG: We’re going to see if we can’t get some help for you and they’ll call ahead of time and make an appointment.
I- I mean, I- I’ve been afraid to call- afraid that somebody would think I was- you know, that it was a hoax. But since she’s had to go back in the hospital for the same thing and she’s not getting any better.
I have to have help from somewhere, if don’t she’s going to die.
RG: Okay, we’re going to do everything we can to help
Okay, thank you a lot.
RG Thank you.
(Note; John F. Schuessler dates this call as taking place on Feb. 17, but Vickie makes reference to making more than one long-distance call to NUFORC, so he may have the date of a later call. No recording of any later calls are available.)
Please also see
Vickie Landrum's Phone Call to Report a UFO Encounter
for more details on this call and a video slideshow of Vickie's call.
Wendy Connors first presented the NUFORC recording on SDI.
Thanks to Giuliano Marinkovic, for preserving Vickie's report and enhancing the audio clarity.
Wendy Connors first presented the NUFORC recording on SDI.
Thanks to Giuliano Marinkovic, for preserving Vickie's report and enhancing the audio clarity.
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