The second testimony:
Betty Cash’s handwritten account of the UFO incident
Betty’s original account of the incident is very sketchy and lacks important details that surfaced later. This transcription was made of Betty’s handwritten notes as presented in John Schuessler's The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident on pages 253, 254.
Below, I've preserved the format, matching each line to a line of the original handwritten line, and retained the unconventional spelling and capitalization. There were some crossed through words, which are indicated with [Xed], and some words were written over, which I've attempted to identify in the bracketed line below it.
Below, I've preserved the format, matching each line to a line of the original handwritten line, and retained the unconventional spelling and capitalization. There were some crossed through words, which are indicated with [Xed], and some words were written over, which I've attempted to identify in the bracketed line below it.
(Written on Parkway Hospital lined stationary)
233 W. PARKER ROAD - 697-2831 - HOUSTON TEXAS 77022
I, Betty Cash, was feeling fine the
Monday of Dec. 29th, my friend & her
grandson was going to play Bingo & on
our return Back home we were between
[“Back” appears to have been written over the word “From”]
New Caney & 1960 on the Huffman Crosby
F.M. Road, there was this Bright object
that made the Sky just split up & it
looked like the world was coming to
and End it was a very Bright Red.
As we kept Driving along it seemed
to have gotten closer to the ground.
Vickie told me I had Better stop
or we were going to run into it so I did,
her grandson was so afraid he was
screaming & pulling on his grandmother
Asking her not to get out. , she opened
the door & I got out to. [Xed] But he
[“look” appears to have been crossed out]
pulled her Back into the Seat she looked
out the glass But she said the
light Was to Bright for her to see very
much of the figure Because it was
Burning her Eyes. [Xed] she got out of the Car &
[Word crossed out, “she" written above it]
stood with one Arm on the car door & one
arm on the Car top, but the light was
so bright & the heat was to much so
she [Xed] only stood there a short time, the
[“I” appears to have been crossed out, “she” written before it]
object started Back into the sky & again
it had the whole sky(?) lit up & the
[“lit” appears to have been written over another word]
object Moved Upward at this time, I started
Driving Again the Inside of the car
Over to Page
(Stamped at the bottom of page one)
01 25 81 51FDW PR 02 10 29
2404044 PKWY YS
233 W. PARKER ROAD - 697-2831 - HOUSTON TEXAS 77022
was so hot we had to turn on the
Air Conditioning, we got to the stop Sign
on 1960 & I counted 23 Helicopters’. As
I sat there looking at the object, I
Carried Vickie & Colby home let them out
it [Xed] took me almost 20 Minutes
[“Woud” appears to have been crossed out.]
to get home, By this time I had a
terrible headache. , lumps were all over
my neck & head, my face was Red
like it had been burned & my Eyes were
swollen Shut & later my Eye lids Bursted
After I was in the Hospital, My face
pilled off & most of my Hair is out &
it is Still Coming out I was Desperalty
sick within 30 minutes after looking
at the object, I stayed home trying to
get Better Until the 2nd Day of Jan. 1981
And I’m still here on Feb 6th 81
I Went home for 9 days But I was so
Sick Again with the Headaches & Lumps
on my head I had to return to the
Hospital and I’m still here, I know
I was not sick until this happed & I
know that is what is wrong with me.
[Ends here, photo of document cropped]