Monday, June 5, 2017

The Flying Saucers Are Real(ly Profitable)

This is a fragment of an unfinished piece (one of many) on UFOs, and the focus is on how Kenneth Arnold's 1947 report of flying saucers became the inspiration for industry, from advertising stunts to motion pictures.

Flying Saucer Merchandise

The first to benefit from flying saucers was newspapers and radio networks, and they built the interest up in the public, and then capitalized on satisfying the demand by keeping saucer stories in the news. Other businesses wanted a piece of the action and soon there were flying saucer-themed hamburgers, sundaes, cocktails hats, and more. See UFOPOP's UFO/Flying Saucer Merchandising Gallery.

One of the first commercial stunts was for radio stations to have planes drop paper or foil disks with slogans advertising their station. This started as early as July of 1947, and the photo seen below is from 1951.  
The Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, Sunday, April 08, 1951, page 17.

The fastest way to cash in was to rename an old or recycle existing products, such as Republic did in 1950, taking leftovers from The Purple Monster Strikes to make Flying Disc Man from Mars.

It took longer to get original products manufactured, but in time those appeared with and there were flying saucer kites, toys, arcade games and amusement park rides. Billboard magazine announced  a debut: November 20, 1948. "The Flying Disc is a brand new ride being put out by Bisch-Rocco... a spinning ride and will carry 32 passengers at one time.”  They later renamed it the Flying Saucer. 

There were also coin operated rides for kids that were placed in the front of stores.

Through one of these coin operated models, many years later, novelist Stephen King indirectly received inspiration from Kenneth Arnold:

"I took a trip to the shopping mall. I watched one of those machines that you plug a quarter into and this thing goes around and around. It's a flying-saucer ride made for kids. And I thought, Suppose the kid disappeared. Just disappeared in front of his mother and the people walking around. What would that be like? Now, that interested me very much." Magistrale, Tony. Stephen King, The Second Decade. 1992.

The Flying Saucers Business Today

 The first and most famous non-fiction book on UFOs by Donald Keyhoe was a paperback best-seller titled, The Flying Saucers Are Real. Keyhoe was able to persuade a good many people of that possibility, and gave the topic a big boost incredibility, helping keep it alive into the 1960s when mainstream media discussed the investigation of UFOs seriously. Since then, the scientific side of things has withered, while the fictional and entertainment merchandising of UFOs has thrived, continuing to do big business.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Flying Saucer Musings

What gives? Both these guys seem to need more information.

There have not been a lot of new entries here lately, but it's not all due to inactivity on my part. Although I've used the blog format for convenience, the intent has been to present some content of substance. There's a place where I do share some trivia and topical thoughts on a more regular basis,
Blue Blurry Lines on Facebook (and far less often on Twitter.)

There are a number of unfinished projects in the works, including the Cash-Landrum UFO case, a look at the relationship between Science Fiction and Flying Saucers, an examination on real-world secret projects versus to the legend of the "Cosmic Watergate" UFO cover-up, and several UFO history pieces. The problem I have is that it's more fun for me to gather the research than it is to do the work of getting it written. Besides, in UFO matters, there's usually no clear place to stop, no convenient "ending."

 Reframing the Debate

"What's Wrong with this Picture?" is one piece I managed to actually complete, an essay to published in Robbie Graham's UFOs: Reframing the Debate. His Silver Screen Saucers is a fascinating look at the feedback loop between flying saucers and commercial entertainment.
UFOs: Reframing the Debate
This new book is described as "a collection of original essays exploring alternative perspectives on UFOs and how we might more usefully study the phenomenon in the 21st Century." My chapter, "What's Wrong With This Picture?" deals with UFO investigation methods, using the fiasco of the Roswell Slides as a case study, and it focuses on the inside story of the Roswell Slides Research Group, how the team worked, and almost didn't.
UFOs: Reframing the Debate is available from the publisher  White Crow Books and online retailer, Amazon .

Cinema: Flying Saucer Musings

Claude Falkstrom (purportedly)
Norio Hayakawa recommends this new YouTube clip:
"Another great work by UFO Culture Satirist, Claude Falkstrom. I nominate this for an Academy Award for editing...LOL!!"
The Curse of Roswell

Claude Falkstrom's got a few other his clips collected in the playlist, Flying Saucer Musings, skewering ufology, Disclosure, skeptics, believers, hoaxers, MUFON, Project Blue Book and UFOtainers.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Ray Bradbury's Orbs from Mars

Ray Bradbury on UFOs- sort of.

Ray A. Palmer started Imagination in 1950, and it was a in the same pulpy vein as Fantastic Adventures and Other Worlds (which eventually transformer to Flying Saucers) featuring space opera tales of fantasy and Bug-Eyed Monsters. After only three issues, Palmer passed the torch to William L. Hamling, who incidentally was one of the few science fiction authors who promoted the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.

According to Michael Ashley in Transformations: The Story of the Science-fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970,
"Hamling was less provocative and daring than Palmer. He knew a good story when he saw one, but avoided the extremes of Palmer. The result was fewer abominations, but also less excitement, and under Hamling Imagination became more bland than it had started out under Palmer."
Even so, occasionally a story of anomalous quality slipped in, transcending Imagination's pulpy origins. 

Ray Bradbury grew up loving Buck Rogers and monsters like King Kong, but his fantasy and science fiction stories were more more about the human heart. The April 1951 Imagination featured "In This Sign..." a story by Bradbury about Episcopalian missionaries led by Father Peregrine who'd traveled to Mars trying to save the souls of the natives by converting them to Christianity. The hitch being, the Martians they found were sentient beings who looked like spheres of blue light. It's an outstanding story, and proved to be a classic, touching on many important themes about religion and just what it means to be human. A scan of the the original magazine can be viewed at

The piece was later retitled "The Fire Balloons," featured in the anthology The Illustrated Man and frequently reprinted in science fiction anthologies in different languages around the world. In 1980 it was adapted as part of the NBC television miniseries The Martian Chronicles, in the episode "The Settlers."

July 4, 1925

In his introduction to the 1974 edition of Dandelion Wine, Bradbury described the inspiration for the story:
" of the last memories I have of my grandfather is the last hour of a Fourth of July night forty-eight years ago when Grandpa and I walked out on the lawn and lit a small fire and filled the pear-shaped red-white-and-blue-striped paper balloon with hot air, and held the flickering bright-angel presence in our hands... and then, very softly, let the thing that was life and light and mystery go out of our fingers up on the summer air and away over the beginning-to-sleep houses, among the stars, as fragile, as wondrous, as vulnerable, as lovely as life itself."

It was a memory that lasted a lifetime. Bradbury mentioned it in 1990 in an interview with John Ezard
"At the end my grandfather would take me out to the end of the lawn at midnight. We'd light a little cup of shavings and put it underneath a Japanese fire balloon. We'd stand there waiting for the balloon to fill with warm air. Then we'd let it drift up into the night. I would stand there with my grandfather and cry because it was so beautiful. It was all over and it was going away. My grandfather died the next year and in a way he was a fire balloon going away."
Shortly before his death, Bradbury again described the childhood events that inspired the story in "Take Me Home," a biographical piece in the June 2012 special science fiction issue of The New Yorker that serves as his own epitaph. "...the paper balloon held between us for a final moment, filled with warm exhalations, ready to go."


Ray Bradbury called them fire balloons, and they date back to ancient China and go by many names, such as sky candles, Japanese or Chinese lanterns, hot air balloons, sky lanterns and others. The invention eventually spread through Europe and then to the United States, where it was most often used as part of Independence Day fireworks. The Boy's Holiday Book by Reverend T. E. Fuller from 1865 provided instructions for constructing a fire balloon in the section on fireworks, in a day when you literally had to make your own fun. Bradbury's grandfather was passing on the tradition of flying them in 1925. Later generations of kids took shortcuts, making their sky lanterns out of dry cleaning bags powered by hot air generated from birthday candles. Some of these have been sent up with the intent of hoaxing a UFO.

Ray Bradbury regarded the sight of these balloons flight as a magical thing, and he was able to imagine them as otherworldly spherical glowing intelligent living things. He's not the only one.  

Friday, March 31, 2017

UFO Contact: April 1, 1967, from Loco, TX

Watts being interviewed in 1968 by UFO investigators.

Carroll Wayne Watts said he had a close encounter with a UFO the night of March 31, 1967, but it was not reported until the following day, on April 1. Watts lived in the tiny town of Loco, in the Texas Panhandle, just south of Wellington, about 100 miles east of Amarillo. His story was carried in United Press International news service, UPI, and published March 2, as reprinted below.

Loco, Texas, near the Oklahoma border. 

Saucer Speaks 

A Wellington farmer said today that he spoke to a flying saucer Friday night. The man, Carroll Watts, said he was returning home from his father`s residence about a mile north of his home at about 10:30 Friday night when he saw a light from about where an abandoned house stands. He turned off the dirt road and headed toward the light. He said he drove to within about 20 feet of an object which “appeared to be about 100 feet long and eight or ten feet high.” 

"I walked around the side of it, and about 20 feet down the side. I found a port or door. I knocked on it three or four times and it opened mechanically,” he said. “A voice began speaking to me - it was an unemotional voice neither masculine nor feminine. It asked me if I would be willing to submit to a rigorous physical examination. “I asked them why I would want to take a physical and they told me that if I passed it, I would be able to make a flight with them. They said any man who passed the physical could make a flight, but no women or children would be taken.” 

“They pointed out a machine against the opposite wall from where I was standing outside the door. They said all I had to do was stand before the machine to take a physical. About two or three feet forward from the machine was a map. It was about a yard square and began about a foot from the floor. It appeared to be a large-scale land map - but I couldn’t tell what it was a map of." 

“Then they informed me that they had a machine that, when the ship within 300 yards of a building, could tell how many people were in the building and their ages. They (the voice) then asked me again to take the physical - and when I declined, they told me that several people had taken the test and had made the flights." 

“They, whoever they were, said they were stationed all over the world and could come and go as they pleased - no one could stop them. I told them I didn’t want to take that physical and I got back in my car and turned the lights on the ship. As I pulled in front of it, it rose slightly and turned to the south. There was a light, about 20 inches across, on the of the nose. As the ship was sitting, it gave off a clear fluorescent light, but when the ship began to move, the light took on a reddish cast. As I drove off, the object lifted from the ground and took a heading to the south. It made no noise whatsoever. I guess the whole thing lasted about ten to 15 minutes.” 

Project Blue Book file card: "Psychological"

As he spoke to UPI by telephone, Watts had two Air Force investigators at his home. The investigators were sent to Wellington from Altus Air Force Base, Okla. One man in Wellington said Watts was considered to be “above reproach.”

The incident is the third reported in the Wellington area in the last month. On March 21, Watts reported sighting such a craft flying at about 50 miles an hour over a road for about eight miles. On March 23 an Air Force man reported that he was chased along a road by a similar craft for some time.

- - -

Dr. Hynek is baffled.

This was only the beginning of Watts' story. He had a series of encounters over the following months with events and players that resemble the Barney and Betty Hill story, hypnotic regression by a Budd Hopkins type, Polaroid UFO photography like Ed Walters, and close encounters of the postal and telephonic kind with astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who said:

"If this is a hoax, it is a very, very clever one. In fact, it would be such a clever hoax that it would be almost as interesting as what this farmer claims has happened to him."

 More on Watts' incredible saga to come.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

UFO Books 101: Required Reading by Paul Dean

Paul Dean is a UFO document researcher from Melbourne, Australia, who uses an evidence-based approach and focuses on "air safety policy, military communications, radar tracking and space object identification to understand the wider UFO matter at a government/military level." There's a wealth of credible information available, but sadly, many people are satisfied with the shallow, sensational, and inaccurate UFO infotainment from television shows and random websites. 

Below is a guest article from Paul, prompted by my request for the best and most credible literature for newcomers to the UFO topic. Many of his book selections are available to read free online, and when found, links are included. My personal advice however, is whenever possible, get real books, and go to a bookstore to find them. 

UFO Books 101: Required Reading by Paul Dean

I have put a list of books together that are what one would call ''required reading." It amazes me how few people have actually read the great, scholarly, foundational works of Ufology. No one will agree in full on a ''best'' books list... But a ''required'' or ''essential'' reading list is a different matter. UFO enthusiasts beware: Don't think that Klass and Menzel, and Condon, don't make the cut. Also, some books make the list not because of voluminous or heavily technical density, but because they are filled with an extraordinary look at the politics of the times. Keyhoe's work is the best example of this.

Whatever ones leanings, there is no way that ''researchers'' can bestow such a title on themselves without having absorbed at least some of these great tomes. There is simply no alternative. Most of these books must be on shelves.
Also, this is not in any order as such. Don't see this is a top-to-bottom list. It ain't.

Here it is folks:

  • Challenge to Science (1966) by Jacques Vallee;
  • UFO’s: A Scientific Debate (1973) by Carl Sagan and Thornton Page;
  • The UFO Evidence: Volume II (2001) by Richard H. Hall;
  • Flying Saucers (1953) by Donald Menzel;
  • UFO Study (1981) by Jenny Randles;
  • UFOs Explained (1976) by Philip J. Klass;
  • UFO Handbook (1980) by Allan Hendry;
  • The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence (1999) by Peter Sturrock;
  • UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry (2012) by Michael Swords, Robert Powell, Barry Greenwood, Jan Aldrich, Clas Svahn, Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Bill Chalker, Steve Purcell and Richard Thieme.

Paul Dean has recently been focused on unearthing military UFO documents, with a special emphasis on NORAD. See his series of reports at his blog,