Here are the sources cited in the essay, saving the effort of typing those many long URLs:
1. Michelle Basch, "UFO experts say ‘we are not alone’," WTOP, Nov. 13, 2014
2. Jaime Maussan, BeWitness Press Conference, Conferencia de Prensa Jaime Maussan beWITNESS / Sé Testigo Auditorio Nacional, February 4, 2015
3. Narrenschiffer, Der Ufo-Absturz bei Roswell, 08.02.2015 at 21:30, Allmystery, Feb. 8, 2015
4. “Roswell Slides Today's Update,” A Different Perspective, Feb. 10, 2015
5. David Hunt, “A Child’s Mummy,” AnthroNotes Volume 33, No. Spring 2012.
6. WGN News, “Vivian Maier Meets the X-Files: Has Chicago Man Uncovered Secret Alien Pics?” Feb. 18, 2015
7. Paul Kimball, “The ‘Roswell Slides’ Witness,” The Other Side of Truth, Feb. 27, 2015
8. Rich Reynolds, “The [New] Roswell Slides Group,” UFO Conjecture(s), March 2, 2015
9. José Antonio Caravaca, “¿Es Esta la Momia, El Famoso 'Extraterrestre’ de las Diapositivas de Roswell?¿,” Esos Misteriosos Objetos Celestes y sus Tripulantes, March 25, 2015
10. Gilles Fernandez, “The Roswell Slides Saga: Some Claims vs. Facts,” Sceptiques vs. les Soucoupes Volantes, March 25, 2015
11. “12am Roswell Slides” The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett, April 12, 2015
12. Tim Printy, SUNlite, Vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 2015
13. BeWitness Part 1 and 2, The Face of Roswell, May 19, 2015
14. Curt Collins, “The Placard of the Roswell Slides: The Final Curtain,” Blue Blurry Lines, May 8, 2015
15. Slidebox Media, “Real Placard,” Kodachrome: Documentary about the Roswell Slides 1947, May 9, 2015 (original screenshot archived at)
16. Rich Reynolds, “The Roswell Team's placard scans and the new Anti-Slider's placard scan,” UFO Conjecture(s), May 8, 2015 (archived at)
17. Press Release, The ‘Roswell Slides’ Research Group, May 8, 2015
18. Isaac Koi,”Roswell Slides Solve the mystery in 1.5 minutes,” Above Top Secret
19. Nab Lator, “Analysis of the ‘Roswell Slides’ (FAQ),” Nabbed, May 18, 2015
20. Anthony Bragalia, “The ‘Roswell Alien Slides’ and My apology to a Dead Child of the Mesa Verde,” A Different Perspective, May 10, 2015
21. Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, “Statement,” Blue Blurry Lines, May 12, 2015
22. Curt Collins, “Shepherd Johnson finds documents that finish the Roswell Slides,” Blue Blurry Lines, June 13, 2015
23. Jorge Peredo, post on Facebook, June 9, 2015
24. “Jaime Maussan Video Evidence That UFOs are real,” (at 57m,23s) YouTube channel, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Aug. 27, 2015, published, Jan. 6, 2016
25. “Interview with Tom Carey & Don Schmitt,” Podcast UFO, July 20, 2016