Monday, December 16, 2013

Dream of Space Ships Near Reality, Air Force Chief Declares: Nov. 12, 1945

War may descend upon us by thousands of robots
    one or two atomic bombs should suffice

A bit of military prophecy from the Golden Age:

The Milwaukee Journal Nov. 12, 1945, Headline:

Dream of Space Ships Near Reality, Air Force Chief Declares

Gen. Henry H Arnold advises advises that atomic bomb warfare 
waged from interstellar space ships is "within the foreseeable future."

For further atomic spaceship information, see:

1 comment:

  1. The previous page has an article about 9 years-old Joseph Vitolo and his vision of the Virgin Mary in the Bronx. 6000 come to see him pray in the rain.
    Also : Auto With Wings On Market Soon, Inventor's Claim.
